Republican Candidate for Kansas Senate Flip Flops on Abortion Stance

Senate District 17 voted resoundingly NO on the August 2022 Amendment

In a district that voted 61.27% to protect abortion rights in August 2022, Republican candidate Mike Argabright tried to explain to his local newspaper his constantly shifting position on women’s reproductive health care. It is clear the people of Senate District 17 should not trust Mike Argabright on this important issue.

State Senate candidate clarifies position on abortion rights

Chris Adams, Emporia Gazette


  • “There seemed to be some confusion between what the Republican nominee said on KVOE Radio in July and what was stated on his political mailer. 
  • “His mailer indicated full support for a pro-life agenda, but on a KVOE candidate forum, Argabright stated that he would not support the Value Them Amendment if it were on the ballot this cycle.”
  • “Argabright will face off Nov. 5 against Democratic candidate Lillian Lingenfelter in a seat currently held by Jeff Longbine (R). Lingenfelter falls into line with longtime Democratic policy as a pro-choice advocate who has received an endorsement from Planned Parenthood.”



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